What is AMINTREC Advisor?
AMINTREC Advisor is your on-line consulting risk engineering service. The main purpose of AMINTREC Advisor is to guide and advise you on your day-to-day questions.
Who forms AMINTREC Advisor?
AMINTREC Advisor is a network of risk engineering consultants located in Mexico and in the US.
What is the difference between an AMINTREC Advisor and AMINTREC Consultant?
An AMINTREC Advisor is an on-line consultant assisting you on day-to-day questions that you might have at your facility. An AMINTREC Consultant will visit your facility to conduct any of the Risk Engineering Service that AMINTREC provides.
AMINTREC Advisor will reduce your consulting costs, as sometimes having a consultant at your facility would be high and not economically justifiable for day-to-day questions.
How are questions answered in AMINTREC Advisor?
All answers are responded by email. Once someone contracts the AMINTREC Advisor, an on-line questionnaire will be provided in order to gather as much of information as possible from the customer. Once the questionnaire is fully completed, your question will be transmitted to one of risk engineers that are part of the network. The engineer evaluates it and sends a formal response by email.
Can all questions be answered using the Amintrec Advisor?
No. AMINTREC Advisor is dedicated to answer day-to-day risk engineering or loss prevention questions that you might have at your facility. Questions that are determined to be too complex to be answered on line, will not be answered and a recommendation to contract an AMINTREC consultant to conduct an on-site visit will be provided.
How do I know if I need an AMINTREC Advisor or an AMINTREC Consultant?
Once a question and all necessary information are received; the AMINTREC Advisor will evaluate it. If the AMINTREC Advisor determines that the question needs to be evaluated in the field, a response will be sent to the customer indicating that the questions cannot be answered by the AMINTREC Advisor and a recommendation to have an AMINTREC consultant will be provided and the original question will not count as answered.
How fast will questions be answered?
Depending of the complexity of the questions, a question can be answered the same day or up to three days.
How do I contract AMINTREC Advisor?
Click on the AMINTREC Advisor logo and follow the instructions.
The AMINTREC Advisor has several packages. Which one do I select?
At this time, AMINTREC Advisor has three packages. Advisor 5, Advisor 10 and Advisor 20.
Advisor 5 will give you 5 questions during 60 days.
Advisor 10 will give you 10 questions during 60 days.
Advisor 20 will give you 20 questions during 60 days at a lower cost.
Once the 60-day period expires or you question counter reaches the number of contracted questions within the 60 days, you would have to contract another package.
What happens when the 30-day period ends and I have not used all my questions for the month?
Unfortunately, the questions not used cannot be carried over or credited to the following month.